Backend - Display error messages before model fields

In these cases we most want to have the validations messages displayed just before the related field.




To implement that you can add the following file to plugins/AUTHOR_CODE/PLUGIN_NAME/assets/js/display-fields-errors.js.

 * Listen error field message and display error message
$(window).on('ajaxInvalidField', function (event, field, fieldName, fieldMessages, isFirst) {

    if (isFirst) {

    $('<div class="field-has-error text-danger">' + fieldMessages[0] + '</div>').insertBefore($(field))

 * Remove error messages on Success
$(window).on('ajaxBeforeUpdate', function (event, context, data, textStatus, jqXHR) {

    // Check handler to avoid to clear message when other Ajax request occur (e.g.: recordFinder)
    if (typeof context.handler !== 'undefined'
        && context.handler === 'onSave') {

and add the $this->addJs(url('plugins/AUTHOR_CODE/PLUGIN_NAME/assets/js/display-fields-errors.js')); line in the __construct method of your controller (no forget to replace AUTHOR_CODE and PLUGIN_NAME by your dev name and the name of your plugin).

<?php namespace Author\Plugin\Controllers;

class Items extends Controller

    public function __construct()



Posted in OctoberCMS on Oct 13, 2017