A powerful new dashboard to get more insight from your websites

The main focus of our service is to give you a good overview of all your websites and let you know what is going on at a glance.

Over time, our service has received new features and reported more information about the health status of your sites. Until now, all this information was only available in the details tab of a site.

To change that, we have completely reworked the sites list with a powerful and ergonomic dashboard where you can see :

  • CMS / Framework versions, updates, PHP versions, databases (type & version) as well as web servers (apache, nginx)

  • Server IPs

  • Response times With their evolution during the last 48 hours - to know if your last deploy/update slowed down your websites.

  • Email spam scores and if SPF, DKIM is set up

  • SSL/TLS certificate expiration dates & Certificate Authority used
    Numbers of Errors logged during last 24h / 7d / 30d
    Insights about potential configuration issues :

    • debug mode enabled
    • scheduler not running (laravel, October CMS)
    • no SSL certificate
    • … and more to come. Are we missing the thing you needed? Let us know
  • To increase your productivity we also added a direct link to the website and to its admin

1Pilot dashboard

A smart search

Moving from a table layout to this new form of dashboard with more condensed information forced us to rethink the search. We wanted something that allows us to make complex queries and that is extensible for the future.

We opted for two things :

  • A smart main search field that allows for key:value searches, with autocompletion.

    Under the hood, nothing other than the Monaco Editor, the VS Code editor… What better than an IDE engine to provide autocompletion for devs :)

  • Advanced form fields, for those who love forms with plenty of fields. You can (by clicking on the right side of the field) open the “Advanced search form”.

1Pilot advanced search

Both solutions have the same functionality, you can start with one and refine your search with the other.

Do you have an idea for something that could be added to this dashboard ? Would you like another filter ? Or insights that should be shown on the dashboard ? Please let us know

Posted in News on Apr 26, 2022